Package-level declarations


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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class ActiveByDefault(val since: String)
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class CommaSeparatedPattern(text: String, delimiters: String = ",") : SplitPattern
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data class CompilerResources(val languageVersionSettings: LanguageVersionSettings, val dataFlowValueFactory: DataFlowValueFactory)

Provides compiler resources.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY])
annotation class Configuration(val description: String)

Annotate the target to specify a configuration for io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.api.Rule or io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.api.RuleSetProvider.

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Interface which marks sub-classes as provided by detekt via the rules sub-module.

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Path filters to explicitly include and/or exclude paths for rules.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class RequiresTypeResolution

Annotated io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.api.Rule requires type resolution to work.

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class RuleSetConfigProperty<T : Any>(val key: String, val defaultValue: T)
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data class SimpleNotification(val message: String, val level: Notification.Level = Notification.Level.Error) : Notification


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fun KtAnnotated.isSuppressedBy(id: RuleId, aliases: Set<String>, ruleSetId: RuleSetId? = null): Boolean

Checks if this kt element is suppressed by @Suppress or @SuppressWarnings annotations.

fun KtElement.isSuppressedBy(id: String, aliases: Set<String>, ruleSetId: RuleSetId? = null): Boolean

Checks if this psi element is suppressed by @Suppress or @SuppressWarnings annotations. If this element cannot have annotations, the first annotative parent is searched.

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Converts given pattern into a PathMatcher specified by FileSystem.getPathMatcher. We only support the "glob:" syntax to stay os independently. Internally a globbing pattern is transformed to a regex respecting the Windows file system.

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Returns the bundled detekt version.

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Returns the version of the running JVM.

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Returns the name of the running OS.